currently installing.

I finished up the design board for this room a couple months ago.  Now the painting, and the shopping is (almost) finished for the bedroom of this cutecutecute (and super sweet too) 14-year old girl.

Now maybe you're thinking: "this doesn't look like a teenage girls bedroom" and if so, I thank you!  I would rather childrens rooms (whether they are tiny or teenager) not scream "i'm a kids room!"  (So in other words, I'm not really a huge a fan of Sponge Bob bedspreads or sparkly purple beanbags with peace symbols on them!)  Just my personal preference.  Or non-preference, I guess.

I love whimsical though and think it's important to let your childs personality be a part of the space, but there are lots of other more eye-pleasing ways to inject your child's age and personality into their room!

A couple ideas would be: use one of their favorite colors (remember it doesn't have to be on the walls--you can just use it as an accent color too.  Usually the better option.)

Frame illustrations from some of their favorite books (or even the entire book) or some of their best art projects.

Use their first initial as an accessory or art piece.  For an easy DIY together, you could buy one of those large wood letters and let them modge podge some scrapbooking paper on it--like Andy did here and here.

Let them help you put it all together (ask for their opinion if you're okay with both options--should we put this picture here or here, or do you like this fabric or this one better.) 

For this particular space, the parents were hoping for a room that not only their daughter would love for the next several years, but that would also be able to be used as a guest bedroom down the road.  The daughter really wanted something that looked more grown up and put together.  She really likes the color combination of teal and white, so we will be using some of that color as an accent.  The dresser they will be buying is actually that color and so is some of her bedding.

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photo of yellow chair from design*sponge.
photo of frames from made.

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